Monday, April 14, 2008


How were your days back in high school? For me, it was 4 years of a hellish experience. I grew up in a small town where everyone knew everyone else's business. I couldn't wait to bust out of that small town. As far as I was concerned, I was going to leave my small town and go out see the rest of the world without ever looking back. I disliked virtually everyone I knew. I never felt that I really fit into any particular click. And "clickish" it was.

For some odd reason I recently joined where you can find and contact old high school friends. I don't have any clue as to why I suddenly cared to be in contact with the very people that I was in a hurry to get away from back in high school. Anyway, several people contacted me and wanted to know what I had been up over the years. I was also strangely curious about their lives as well. Where had life taken them?

What I found was that I was comforted in emailing them or talking to them over the phone. I have to say, however, I couldn't help but feel some the same adolescent insecurities that I had back in the day. Was anyone interested in knowing where I was or what I have been up to? Would they just ignore me? Did they ever really like me?

Do we ever really get over what we experienced during our formative years? I'm still not sure. What was interesting was that the folks that reached to me were not the same people that I did hang out with. Nevertheless, I was happy to hear from them. There are those that I still wish not to have contact any longer because I can't get past the way that they treated others. But had they grown up? Are they the same?

I'd like to think that I have changed. In some ways, I feel that I am the same person. In some ways I feel that I don't even know or remember the person that I was. In any case, I do enjoy being in contact with those that I grew up with but I still can't bring myself to attend any reunions. I guess I feel that that would somehow be too traumatic. Why I would feel this way is beyond me.


  1. Hi
    The truth of the matter is, you have actually changed.
    when you look back, your looking back at your past- what was. This may provoke good and bad memories.
    But, if your honest with your self, your not the same person you was all those years ago.
    The universe moves around us every second...therefore change is always happening whether you like it or not.

  2. Hi anonymous,

    Thanks God that I'm not the person that I was back then.

    I agree with you when you say that change is always happening and I am thankful for that.

    Hopefully we all can look back and see what was and appreciate what is.

    Thanks for your comment.

  3. You'r welcome!
    It's like all those people who join face book? i don't get what that is all about. Other than fraud that can be committed, what is the point in all that? Apologies but do i want to see some old school buddies who used to bully me just to say "your a looser and im the high flyer?" ...the truth is who cares?
