Sunday, June 17, 2007

Simple Minds

I'm sure that most you have seen bumper stickers or T-shirts that read "mean people suck". They are sold just about everywhere in the Tri-State area which is where I live. Mean people really do suck; they have a chip on their shoulder and they just wait for the opportunity to try and ruin someones day or at least give it their best shot.

Each one us is responsible for our own happiness. It's not up to the rest of the world to accommodate these jerks. If we take issue with something or someone, we may or may not take it up with the person with whom we disagree, then we move on. That's what a relatively normal person would do. But not these nut jobs. They want to beat a dead horse until their never ending hostility is heard by all. They continue on relentlessly and have no interest in hearing what others have to say or (God forbid) feel. They are deranged and personality disordered. Therefore, it is pointless in trying to engage them in an adult conversation. And why? Because it all about them. Their idea of being adult-like is to take cheap shots at the person they are pissed at. What's particularly striking about these individuals is that they personalize everything that has absolutely nothing to do with them. They need to figure out a way to find their own happiness without trying to insult or belittle others. But they of know of no other way to conduct themselves. In a word, they are immature.

Check out the comments left for me by "anonymous" on my previous post. She is the perfect asshole.


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymously yours, said...

Hi Hans, I was thinking the same thing. I rarely write anything controversial but I guess we can never really know how crazy people can be.

Im go to do as you say and moderate people's comments.

Thanks for the advice.

Anonymous said...

I see you've been at the mirror.
Are you blind or do you just refuse to see what is in front of you. Open your eyes and see that repulsive person that you are.

super hero said...

honestly, i believe you have overracted. you should just left her alone, not even give an answer. she made her point and leave it be, dont let yourself get bothered with that.

but it is a good thing to delete anonymous option. even though this wont stop the a.holes, it will slow them down.